Ko at The Fairmont Kea Lani

4100 Wailea Alanui
Wailea, HI 96753
Experience the rich history and culinary traditions of the sugarcane plantations at Ko. Our menu features contemporary dishes reflecting the many cultures and influences of Maui's plantation era. The Plantation villages of Hawaii were home to a unique blend of nationalities including Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese and Japanese all living side by side in single walled wooden houses. Chef Joaquin Belmonte's recipes evoke the sense of those times, inspired by the stories of his father, a first-generation plantation labor worker (Sakada) from the early 1930s.

Price range: $31 to $50
Specific: Hawaiian
Dining Style: Casual Dining
4100 Wailea Alanui
Wailea, HI 96753
P: 8088754100
W: www.fairmont.com/kealani/GuestServices/Restaurants/Ko.htm

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